Organic Rabbit Food

Should I use Regular, Natural, or Organic Rabbit Food?
The best rabbit food for your rabbits is one that is specifically tailored to the life stage they are at. This is because rabbits nutritional needs change as they go through weaning, as they grow and mature, become pregnant or nursing, or whether they just hang out as well-loved pets.

So what's the difference between Natural and Organic Rabbit Food? Honestly, their just labels! Some criteria have to be met but it doesn't mean that it is the best combination of the right ingredients. Rabbits are very sensitive to the quality of their diet and science has identified what's best for them at every stage in life.

For example, the best rabbit food should be formulated with quality natural and whole ingredients. Rabbits are often stuck with food that is made from a mixture of by-products and cheap leftovers that vary in quality. Some rabbit food labels have long lists of "natural" ingredients because it looks good to us. However, it probably isn't the best thing for your rabbits. In fact, dietary BALANCE is the most important thing for your rabbits!

A lot of rabbit food brands brag about having more vitamin A (among others) but these vitamins are synthetically added. Furthermore the label doesn't say what is already naturally in the feed; it only reports what has been added synthetically. This can cause problems, especially when many vitamins need to be balanced. Also certain vitamins can cause problems in rabbits because their metabolism is different (excess vitamin D3 has been used as a pest control poison in rabbits).

It may be common knowledge that rabbits need a large amount of fiber in their diet because it helps prevent digestive troubles. Did you know that there are many different types and sizes of fiber and rabbits need specific ratios of certain types for optimal digestive health?

Also rabbits shouldn't have too much grain or grain by-products in their diet. They will inevitably be combined with high concentrations of low-quality protein supplements like soybean meal. This combination often spells trouble, especially for baby bunnies who get bloated and have diarrhea when eating this type of rabbit food.

A one size fits all style of rabbit food compromises their health and productivity. For example, baby bunnies need a diet high in fiber and fat. Nursing does should also eat this same type of feed. However pregnant rabbits need a diet lower in fat, while mature rabbits who aren't breeding need a high fiber and low energy rabbit food.

To learn more about NATURAL rabbit nutrition from a qualified research scientist....
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David Sherwood has grown up raising rabbits for fun and profit. His advanced academic and real world experience have given him extensive knowledge that will help you understand and solve many of the problems that face those who raise rabbits. To learn more about his qualifications and to get 'common sense' answers to rabbit questions, go to

To learn more about the importance of using a balanced natural rabbit food and to see it's unique and proven formulation (now commercially available), go to: