Feeding rabbits for raising a healthy and long life.

Most people understand that food grain production was fed to rabbits with the best ingredients for rabbits as pets, our particular. However, the truth is not like that food grain has been cooking up for the convenience. And save for raising rabbits for meat or fur of it in business.

Because this pellet can make rabbits grow faster and gain weight rapidly. However, as a pet rabbit that is intended to be our friends, so we want our rabbits are healthier and live longer healthy. This is why it is important for learning and educational needs nutrients helpful for our real rabbit.

Rabbit digestivesystem sensitive than other herbivores. Therefore, extremely important to have solutions to feeding our rabbits strictly Digestivesystem of rabbits has been designed to bring energy and nutrients from less food energy and nutrients more efficiently.

In order to rabbits fed a fat and / or protein fiber but is low Such as grain fed alone will cause the rabbit fast-growing but poor health. The result is shorter than the age of the rabbit. It should be with. We are raising rabbits as pets live in the house as part of our family should be healthy. For rabbits that have been sterilized, and nutrients should be long since the age of 8 to 13 years.